Put a dent in the universe.

Founded in 2012, Dent is a community of entrepreneurs, technologists, executives, investors, and creatives who are driven to "put a dent in the universe."

Initially started as an annual conference, we quickly developed into a strong community of people who call themselves "Denters."  The name Dent comes from the Steve Jobs quote: "we're here to put a dent in the universe, why else even be here?" 

The conference focuses on drawing actionable insights from the stories of others and building an environment where peers from diverse backgrounds and fields of expertise are encouraged to build meaningful relationships through conversation and shared experiences. In addition to an annual conference, now hosted in Santa Fe, NM, Dent engages with Denters throughout the year and provides opportunities for them to connect with each other and forge relationships that lead to powerful collaborations.

About the Conference


Dent is more than a conference, it is a four-day collection of experiences that are designed to create memorable interactions and meaningful relationships. Activities range from storytelling workshops to motocross driving to building model rockets with an astronaut and a rocket scientist. Activities frame two days of sessions that highlight moments of insight and innovation at the intersection of different disciplines.


On Monday night, instead of hosting a large and uninteresting banquet dinner, we take advantage of the amazing food and wine experiences available to us in Santa Fe. Denters are split into groups of around 35 people and taken to hosted dinners at various local restaurants.

These dinners are always a highlight for the conference; they are one of the many opportunities to build meaningful relationships outside the usual conference setting with other motivated, talented leaders. 


We will begin our exploration from six thematic starting points, each designed to raise questions and provide replicable answers about the "how" of denting the universe from the leaders on stage.  


Vision is the essential first step in making a difference. It’s no coincidence that most of the leaders who have made a difference have been labeled as “visionaries.” Practical foresight is a synthesis of intuition, extrapolation, and pattern recognition. True visionaries are credited with being able to see accurately where markets, technologies and trends are headed, and importantly -- in what timeframe.


Steve Jobs said that the key to his success was that he had been able to recognize and recruit superior talent. Nothing of consequence has been accomplished without the right People. How do you find and work with the most productive teammates? How do you motivate them? 


As Fast Company has written, “Great design is a prerequisite for turning consumers into customers.” And great innovators know, Design goes way beyond simply making things pretty. As Sir Peter Dyson says, design at its essence is “problem solving.” A central thread running throughout Dent will be how engineering and artistry synthesize into winning products and services.  


Success requires Process. The details matter. Discipline allows an organization to consistently outperform its competition.


Da Vinci once said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” A common thread running through the great ventures of our time is how leaders drove them with a single-minded Focus on what really mattered. 


Alchemy is what makes a venture more than just the sum of its parts. It’s that elusive “something extra” that acts as an accelerant and enhancement to the overall mix of attributes. As the Hope Diamond is more than a lump of coal affected by heat and pressure, an organization and what it creates are more than just an assembly of productive components. Aspects like charismatic leadership, cultural bonds, or other pervasive insights/intuitions fit here.