Denting the Universe as a Solo Founder
Ryan Carson, the CEO and sole founder of Treehouse wrote a post over the weekend titled “You can do it alone.”
The current popular belief among the startup community is that it’s necessary to have a co-founder in order to succeed. In my experience, this has not been true.
And Peter Nixey wrote a great follow-up post called “How you can do it alone.”
I’ve noticed that many investors are avoiding solo-teams, not solo-founders. A viable team may have a Carson-esque leader with a group of committed (and salaried) management or it may be a gaggle of co-founders.
Both posts are well worth a read. I’ve written before about the sort of group-think regarding co-founders that exists in the startup community, and I think that if your choices are between being a solo founder or “speed dating” to find a co-founder because some investors think you need one… you’re often better off as the solo founder.