People Jeff Hadfield People Jeff Hadfield

Your Customers' Vision, or Yours?

You don’t necessarily have to listen to what your customers tell you they want to run a customer-centric business. As Steve alludes to in his recent post about Mickey Drexler, there is a debate floating around about whether you should do as Steve Jobs did, and “ignore the customer,” or you should do as others, such as Drexler do, and center the entire business on the customer.

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Uncategorized Jeff Hadfield Uncategorized Jeff Hadfield

The Inertia of Normality

Nothing worthwhile is effortless. The leaders whose work and accomplishments we admire work every day on what Dustin Curtis calls “The Fight”:

But the truth is that, in order to make progress, you need to physically and mentally fight against the momentum of ordinary events.

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Uncategorized Jeff Hadfield Uncategorized Jeff Hadfield

Where Design Sits at Apple

If anyone doubted the continued importance of design at a post-Jobs Apple, those doubts were put to rest yesterday when Apple announced a few major changes in executive leadership, including Jony Ive’s move to Human Interface leadership across the entire company.

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People Jeff Hadfield People Jeff Hadfield

Startup School Presentation Videos

YCombinator is one of the original and most well-known startup “incubators”*, and once a year they host an event at Stanford called Startup School.

This year’s event happened on October 20th, and featured (as usual) a truly remarkable

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