Putting a Dent in the Future with Relatable Objects
Here at Dent HQ, our favorite relatable machine is by far Brent Spiner's legendary android Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation. With a positronic brain and thousands of minute servos in his face and neck, Mr. Data mimicked human thought, facial expressions, and body language.
The Most Powerful Motivator: Putting a Dent in Modern Expectations of Love
When people say that love is the best motivator, I’m quite inclined to believe them.The best boss I ever had motivated me with love. I didn’t join his team, work hard for him, and stick around because he paid me well or commanded a certain distant respect.
The Dent Podcast: Bre Pettis on The 3D Printing Revolution
Bre Pettis is the co-founder and CEO of MakerBot Industries, a company that produces and sells 3D printers that you can take home, put on your desk, and covet
Solving Problems The Square Way
Not long ago, Square CEO Jack Dorsey challenged his team to create a solution for accepting payments at Starbucks, which the mobile-payments company had partnered with in August.
Dent Editorial Retreat to Sun Valley Idaho
We are excited to announce that in anticipation of our March conference, several of our board members -- along with a few selected Dent speakers (and other long-time friends) are headed off to Sun Valley
One Strategy, One P&L
How should a business be measured?For a long time, the answer has been “more.” Ever since Frederick W. Taylor did time studies of steelworkers with a stopwatch in 1900, the measurement of business activity – called “Greater Taylorism” by Walter Keichel
The Business Cards of Interesting People: Steve Jobs, Steve Martin, Lady Gaga
It's a diversion, to be sure, but I have always enjoyed the business cards of interesting people. Flavorwire has a neat collection of rare and interesting cards, including one from Abe Lincoln.
Steve Jobs Solved the Innovators Dilemma
In the lead up to today’s release of the Steve Jobs biography, there’s been an increasing stream of news surrounding its subject. As a business researcher, I was particularly interested in this recent article that referenced from his biography a list of Jobs’s favorite books.