Denter of the Week: Skip Franklin
This week’s featured Denter is Skip Franklin, co-founder of Serial Entrepreneurs Anonymous, an organization dedicated to helping future entrepreneurs.
Bringing the Sabbatical into the Business World
Executives say that these programs help to stem employee burnout and force the company to develop redundant skill sets so that no employee becomes truly indispensable.
Women Play a Major Role in Walter Isaacson's History of Computer Science
In an industry where CEO's feel free to make comments about waiting for karma to achieve pay equality with male coworkers, reminders about the role that female mathematicians had in sparking the computer revolution are sorely needed.
Using Big Data to Identify Entrepreneurs Before They Found
In the race to find the next great investment, some venture capital firms are using big data to find potential founders and innovators before they try their hand at founding a company.
The 700 Terabyte Gram of DNA
Some folks at Harvard have figured out how to write -- and read -- insanely large amounts of data in strands of DNA.
Google Aims to Reinvent the Housecall
The modernization of medicine has all but eliminated the housecall, but Google aims to bring it back - after a fashion - with it's "Helpouts" offering.
Prosthetic Limbs that Can Feel
scientists are using the phantom limb to develop prosthetics that can not only be moved by an amputee, but that can actually experience sensation in the phantom limb.
A Look Back at the Other Pill that Changed Everything
A new documentary short in the New York Times' "Retro Report" series looks at the cultural and medical impact of Prozac and the entire class of drugs that followed in its wake.
Studying Alzheimer's Disease in a Petri Dish
The eponymous ship in Star Trek: Voyager featured a 24th century technological innovation: bio-neural gel packs. "The gel packs formed the basis of the bio-neural circuitry, which was essentially an organic computer system. This was the first thing I thought of when I read about the breakthrough in Alzheimer's research, wherein researchers grow brain cells in a special gel and then introduce the gene for Alzheimer's
Looking for Dents in Unforeseen Places
USAID has recently issued a $5 Million Grand Challenge to help combat Ebola in West Africa: more breathable hazmat suits.