Mark Twain on How To Tell A Story
I recently discovered the "Word" category at the very bottom of my Spotify interface. Intrigued, I've been digging through it during my seemingly endless commutes, and have found some interesting gems.
Increase Enthusiasm, Reduce Tension: Walk for 30 Minutes
New research highlighted in the New York Times has convinced me to take a 30 minute stroll every day. We're so used to health outcomes happening on long-term time frames that it's taken us this long to see how we feel on the same day:
Limited Edition: 10 50%-off Startup Passes to Dent 2015
It's a startup world out there. Let's face it; many of the people who are working on universe-denting projects are entrepreneurs and cash is a scarce resource.
We live it, too.
Teach Fishing Featured in Yale Alumni Newsletter
Denter Stewart Ugelow's new nonprofit venture Teach Fishing, which has been brewing for around two years at this point, has been featured in the Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance Newsletter, via a Q&A around the origins and purpose of Teach Fishing

Is Addiction Caused by Loneliness?
Author Johann Hari has written a book about addiction and the war on drugs, but it wasn't the book he thought he was going to write. According to his research, a state of addiction might actually have relatively little to do with chemical slavery:
Look to Science Fiction for Great Inspiration
I am instinctively drawn to the concept of prototyping new technologies and experiences by gluing together concepts from science fiction. Lots of it is obvious in retrospect: you may notice the iPad in Ender's Game. Today's smartphones were called "data pads" in 80's Star Wars novels. And so on.
Amy Webb to Interview Craig Newmark at Dent 2015
Amy Webb, the founder of Webbmedia Group, and co-founder of Spark Camp (a great event in its own right), is going to join us this March to conduct an interview on stage with craigslist & craigconnects founder Craig Newmark...
Why Your Startup Needs a Chief Economist
As you can tell by our speaker lineup for 2015, we’re sold on the idea of firms having a “Chief Economist” on staff.Hence our aggressive courting of Redfin’s Nela Richardson to join us onstage.
Dent Tops Entrepreneur Magazine's List of Conferences Worth Your Time and Money
We typically think what happens at Dent is pretty cool and pretty well worth the time, but it's really nice to see some other folks think so, too.
The Economics of Sloppy Journalism
Dent speaker Craig Newmark will be joining us in Sun Valley this March to provide insights into a topic near and dear to him, the importance of trust in journalism. Craig asserts that a trustworthy press functions as the “immune system of democracy”, and while that sounds intuitively true, what evidence exists to support that case?