Daniel Dennett at Dent 2023

“Are our thinking tools controlling us, or are we still controlling them?”

That’s the question renowned philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett, will discuss at the Dent conference this coming September in Santa Fe. An authority in the philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and philosophy of biology, Dennett recently received a lot of attention for his Artificial Intelligence (AI)-themed piece in the Atlantic titled “The Problem With Counterfeit People.”

At Dent Santa Fe, Dennett will continue on this theme and will dive into the intricate world of AI—its current realities, its anticipated future, and its ethical and societal implications.

Join us in Santa Fe this September, and explore the future of AI with Daniel Dennett. Apply for your invite here. 

As the recipient of the prestigious Erasmus Prize, Dennett's significant contributions to the ongoing discourse surrounding AI have provided fresh perspectives and in-depth analysis of this game-changing technology. His Dent talk, titled “Artificial Intelligence: Current Realities and Future Perspectives,” promises to provide attendees with a nuanced understanding of AI, its rapid evolution, and its potential impact on society.

From discussing the rise of 'counterfeit people' and the destabilizing effect they can have on societal trust, to the ethical questions AI advancements raise, Dennett's examination will address AI from all angles.

Then, Dennett will guide us into future territory, revealing a possible trajectory for AI's evolution and its potential repercussions. This will paint a picture of a future where technology and humanity intersect, detailing the potential benefits, inherent risks, and essential considerations for this next digital frontier.

Join Daniel Dennett in Santa Fe this September. Apply for your invite here

Daniel Dennett  - Ironically rendered (with his permission) by Midjourney generative AI.

What prompt generated the image above?
Using Midjourney via Discord, we entered the following prompt: philosopher daniel dennett projecting confidence and intelligence, very slight smile, with a background invoking the HAL 900 computer and red light from 2001 a space odyssey movie, hyperrealistic, 4k v 4 --ar 1:1